Tuesday, November 16, 2010


We've all heard the comments about "women drivers," "dumb blondes," and "she's PMSing." Each is a subtle put-down of women and their abilities, intelligence, and emotional stability. Most of us shrug off these insults because they're so commonplace. But once in a while, you hear someone say something about women that makes your blood boil. What are the rudest, nastiest, most sexist comments about women you've heard, either personally or through the media? Why did it bother you, and what did you think of the person who said it? Share Your Experiences

A Compliment?
A male friend was once telling me about his new girlfriend and how much he liked her, and said, "It's been a long time since I've thought of a woman as anything more than a receptacle for my penis." He meant it as a compliment. We are no longer friends because of that and other similarly offensive comments.

Woman to woman comment
When I was at the USAF Academy, I had a woman teammate on the fencing team that disliked (in the extreme) another femaie teammate. She described the object or her dislike thusly: "She is half of a dripping c*nt. Want to know why? Because half is useless!"
—Guest USAFA Cadet

Oh, yes he did...
I've had a left-side, then later, a right-side mastectomy. Someone who claimed to love me called me a "no titty bitch." I don't think about it too much anymore... since I sent him to state prison for stealing from me.
—Guest P

The light bulb joke
Q: How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb? A: Trick question. Feminists can't change anything.
—Guest the truth

Attitude not Words
While words have a cumulative effect, the real impact comes from the attitude of the speaker. Normally derogatory words may be used in a joking manner among persons who respect one another on occasion, and it words both ways However, the cumulative effect must be remembered even where the intent is not negative. The best course is to eschew these comments.
—Guest Jocko

Name calling is hurtful. Physical abuse would be merciful in comparison. Had beatings as long as I can remember not by him. He's NEVER hit me. I thought he would be my hero. What I have is shelter with a dirty OLD man with a vile mouth, who needs viagra to be a man. I have no home or place to go. I am not allowed to buy anything of value without his consent. No place to go,no money,no credit. what can I do? I need help and a friend to confide in.
—Guest Imbecile

Vacuum in their head
Women have so many lower body openings that the only thing that keeps their insides from dropping out is the vacuum in their head.
—Guest bejammin

Girls Are "Trouble"?
One of the comments about our sex that really upsets me is the belief that girls are "trouble." Usually, that is cited as the reason that many people prefer boys over girls. Unfortunately, I have a couple of aunts who feel exactly that way, which I find pretty ironic coming from them since THEY used to be girls themselves. Neither one of them wanted girls; they wanted only boys. Well, they got the boys they wanted, but that comment still upsets me because it says that we are not wanted here and are nothing but trouble. It also makes us feel inferior and unworthy. If we women and girls are "trouble," then why did God put us here?

tasteless Hillary Clinton joke
An old Esquire article contained one of the rudest comments I've ever heard about a woman -- the Hillary Clinton joke : Question: What's the Hillary Clinton KFC special? Answer: Two small breasts, two large thighs, and two left wings. You'd never hear that kind of slur made against a man.
—Guest Hillary voter

Cougar term took wind out of my sails
I hadn't been out to our local 80's dance night in a while. The Wednesday night tradition has been going on since at least 2000 and is still a hit, with young hipsters dancing right along with soccer moms and even redneck jocks. A very positive fun thing always and I used to go regularly. I happened to speak to a man I know just before going out, and he said, "Oh, going to get your cougar on?" I know he probably just felt left out or old himself, but wow did it make me mad and take the wind out of my sails. I hate that term. Because of that, I danced happily with every man on the floor regardless of age.

I am 13 and allready a very strong believer in feminine strength. As Marilyn Monroe said, "Any woman who has the dream to be equal to a man has a lack of ambition" I have found that the worst comments have been simple things such as " You're a girl! You can't do that!!!" or "Stand back, Barbie, let a GUY do this!" One day these arrogant self-worshiping pigs will get socked by "Barbie." Let's see who can do more THEN...
—Guest IamwhoIam, a girl

'Marital Piss'
Heard a shocker from a male. He called intercourse the "marital piss." Charming.
—Guest gorillagal

Drunk, really?
Often, guys take advantage of women who are drunk--more so most of their friends. I have a friend once who got so drunk she was almost tumbling on her own foot. This guy was trying to kiss her and the amazing thing was, she puked ON THE GUY!! Good for him. Every time I see him I can't help but laugh and remember.
—Guest Jhenni

Often when I tell women I'm an economist, they shrug it off with the self-deprecating comment "I can't learn about the economy. It's too difficult." These are successful business-women, but somewhere they've internalized the idea that only men can understand the economy. Puh-lease! Ladies! Hasn't this recession taught us that a) we are smart enough to figure out anything and b) the economy is a game we can't afford to sit out. We're on the field whether we understand the game or not. If women took responsibility for understanding and managing the economy, the world would be a much saner, kinder and safer place. Maybe I'm being sexist, but that's my feeling. P.S. I'm sure I've heard some "nastier" comments from men over my years, but none are as damaging as the ones we've internalized. Kimberly

The "C" Word
It seems the "C" word is common among men who want to harass women on the streets. This is only one of many experiences: Long ago... in my 20s a man came up to me on the streets of NYC and said, "Hey beautiful, C_NT!" I started walking as fast as I could then to get away from him...
—Guest news journalist

(source women's issues)

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